Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello! My name is Maggie. I attended the University of Maine, Farmington and graduated in December 2011.  I received a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with a concentration in English.

Lately I have been working for the Bangor School Department. Most of this past semester I was a substitute, willing to work at all grade levels, and then starting in May I have been tutoring full time at the James F. Doughty School. While I was subbing I experienced many different classes and challenges. All were rewarding and educational. Let me just say that after I was done subbing in a Pre-K classroom, I was definitely sure that I liked Middle School and High School best. :) While I was tutoring I had many students I worked with. I worked a normal school day with different students throughout the day. I tutored every core subject at some point throughout the day. This has been my only experience with teaching after graduation.

Before graduation I spent my student teaching in two different schools. The majority of my time was spent at Portland High School. There I was either teaching in an AP environment or a low-level environment. I really found my area with the lower level students.  However, in November I made the switch to Saco Middle School in a sixth grade classroom. I had a great time at both schools and learned quite a bit about teaching and about myself.

Currently, I am not working toward a degree. I am taking this class because it was recommended to me by a few colleagues and I wanted to further my education. My goal is to end up in a middle school someday. 

While taking this class I will be working as the Aquatics Director at Camp Peirce Webber in Hampden, Maine. This is a day camp through the Bangor Y.

Good luck everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the introduction, Maggie. You have had quite the experience this spring and it will serve you well when you begin applying for full-time teaching jobs. Also, congrats on your relatively recent graduation from UMF.

    It is very important to find the age group and the teaching level that is a best fit for you. For some people, any ages and grades in the K-12 system would be fine, but for more of us, we definitely lean toward a particular age level. Mine was high school first and then I found my real niche working with young adolescents in middle level schools. That is where it happened for me!
