Monday, September 12, 2011

Tools We Used in Class

Before this class I had never used Moodle before. This surprised me once I started using it because this seems like just the tool that UMF would be using. But no. For some reason I did not learn about this great tool until this class. I had been exposed to Wiki sites which are functional but I always felt something was lacking. I have found the missing parts of Wiki site in Moodle. Moodle is a much more user friendly program and offers many more opportunities. My mom uses Moodle all the time in her classroom. She uses it for quizzes and tests. I love the idea of being able to have a class website where there is a plethora of information about my classes but there is also a secure section where my students can take quick quizzes and be done with them.

I also really liked the idea of voice threads. I can see myself using voice threads more at a high school level. If the students are allowed to bring laptops home (assuming I am teaching in Maine) than I can assign responses in the form of a voice response instead of a blog or written assignment. Some students can get their ideas across better when they are talking rather than when they are writing. I happen to be one of them. I would bet a lot of money that I would have received different grades in high school and college if I was able to voice my opinions rather than write them down.

I hope to use at least these two tools. These two tools were the ones that I had never worked with before. They were the ones that scared me the most to use. I was really hesitant to sign up for the class because I had not ever done an online course before and we were using Moodle .... a program I had never used before. But I pushed through and found out both voice threads and Moodle are amazing tools that can be used all the time in a regular classroom.